How to Connect Metabase to Materialize?


Materialize is a streaming database for real-time analytics and applications.

In this tutorial I will show you how to connect Metabase to your Materialize instance in order to quickly visualize our data.


For the sake of simplicity, I will use a brand new Ubuntu 21.04 server where I will install Materialize and Metabase.

If you want to follow along you could spin up a new Ubuntu 21.04 server on your favourite could provider.

I would personally be using DigitalOcean. If you are new to DigitalOcean, you could use my referral link to get a $100 Free Credit:

DigitalOcean $100 Free Credit

What is Materialize

Materialize is a streaming database for real-time analytics.

Materialize is not a substitution for your transaction database. It accepts input data from a variety of sources like:

And it lets you query those sources using standard SQL.

![Materialize Landing Page](]

If you want to learn more about Materialize, make sure to checkout their official documentation here:

Materialize Documentation

Installing Docker

As a first step, let's quickly install Docker on our Ubuntu server.

To do so, first SSH to the server. And then run the handy Docker installation script:

curl -fsSL -o

With that your Docker instance would be up and running and we are ready to start our Materialize container!

Starting Materialize Container

There are other ways that you could use in order to run Materialize as described here. But for this demo we are just going to use Docker as it is quite convenient. For a production ready Materialize instance, I would recommend giving Materialize Cloud a try!

To start a Materialize instance, just run the following Docker command:

docker run -p 6875:6875 materialize/materialized:v0.9.7 --workers 1

Now that we have the materialized container running, we would also need to install a CLI tool that we could use to interact with our Materialize instance!

Installing mzcli

The mzcli tool lets us connect to Materialize just as you would use psql to connect to PostgreSQL.

Speaking of psql, Materialize is fully compatible with psql so if you have psql already installed you could use it instead of mzcli.

To learn the main differences between the two, make sure to check out the official documentation here: Materialize CLI Connections

In order to install mzcli, you could use pip or pipx:

pipx install mzcli

If you don't have pipx installed, you could install it with the apt install pipx command.

Or alternatively, you could run it as a Docker container too:

docker run -it materialize/mzcli mzcli --help

For this demo, I would stick to pipx.

To access, materialize you can use the following command:

mzcli -U materialize -h localhost -p 6875 materialize

The syntax would be the same for psql but with mzcli you would get some nice highlighting when writing your queries.

Materialize Source

By creating a Source you are essentially telling Materialize to connect to some data source. As described in the introduction, you could add a wide variety of sources to Materialize.

For the full list of source types make sure to check out the official documentation here:

Materialize source types

For this demo, let's quickly install Nginx and use Regex to parse the log and visualize it in Metabase.

Install Nginx

In order to install Nginx all that you just need to run the following command:

sudo apt install nginx

Next, let's populate the access log with some entries with this simple Bash loop:

 for i in {1..200} ; do curl -s 'localhost/materialize'  > /dev/null ; echo $i ; done

Now we would have some entries in the /var/log/nginx/access.log access log file that we would be able to able to load into Materialize.

Adding a Materialize source

Lets start by creating a Materialize source from our Nginx Access log.

First access the Materialize instance with the mzcli command:

mzcli -U materialize -h localhost -p 6875 materialize

Then run the following query:

CREATE SOURCE nginx_log 
FROM FILE '/var/log/nginx/access.log'  
WITH (tail = true)  
FORMAT REGEX '(?P<ip>\b(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b).-.-.(?P<time>(\[.*\])).(?P<request>("(GET|POST|PUT|HEAD).*(HTTP/.\..)"))';

Quick rundown of the query:

Now if you were to show your sources you would be able to see the new one that we've just created:

mz> show sources;
// Output
| name      |
| nginx_log |
Time: 0.021s

Now that we have our source in place, lets go ahead and create a Materialized view!

Creating a Materialized View

Materialize lets you create materialized views which allow you retrieve incrementally updated results of a SELECT query very quickly. You can think of the Materialized Views as the most powerful feature of Materialize.

In order to create a view, we will use the following command:

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW logs AS SELECT ip,request,time FROM nginx_log;

The important things to note are:

When creating a View, it could be based off of multiple sources like your Kafka Stream, a raw data file that you have on an S3 bucket and your PostgreSQL database. This single view will give you the power to analyze your data at real time.

For more information about the Materialized Views check out the official documentation here:

Creating Materialized views

Now you could use this new view and interact with the data from the Nginx log with pure SQL!


Now that we have our Materialized View ready, lets go ahead and spin up a Metabase container!

We will use the following Metabase image provided my Materialize:

To start Metabase, run the following:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name mz materialize/metabase:v0.0.5

Leave it for a few minutes until Metabase is fully ready! And then once this is done, visit server IP on port 3000. If Metabase is still starting, you will see the following screen:

Once Metabase is up and running follow the steps and finish the installation.

Once you get to Step 2, make sure to select Materialize as the type of the Database:

Next add your database details:

Finally hit next and complete the installation. This will take you to your Dashboard where you can see some out of the box

If you click on this you will see some out of the box dashboards, but you can customize this to match your needs.


In case that you like the project, make sure to star it on GitHub:

If you are totally new to SQL, make sure to check out this free eBook here:

Free introduction to SQL basics eBook


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